今週17日木曜日のイベントは「食博」です。 大阪心斎橋にあるタイレストランの『クンテープ』が英語村に屋台を出店、またミャンマー、タイ、ドイツからのゲストをお招きしたアクティビティーが行われます。
また英語村カフェでは期間限定の「シェパードパイ 200円」「ラザニア 300円」「ケーキ各種 250円」等この時期のみの限定フードで皆様の食欲の秋を満たします!
Hello all.
To those who came to our 5th year birthday celebration, we hope you enjoyed the BBQ and cocktail party.
To those who couldn’t make it, you missed a fun day…
This month at E³, we are going to have a World Food Festival, Hot Dog Eating Contest and many other food activities.
For the World Food Festival, held this Thursday (November 17th), we will welcome Shinsaibashi’s famous Thai restaurant ‘Krungtep’.
You can try tasty and spicy Thai food at a special price!!
Also, there will be special guest speakers coming from Myanmar, Thailand and Germany. Please join these activities too.
The Hot Dog Eating Contest is on November 25th (Friday). Don’t miss seeing who this year’s champion is.
The E³ café is waiting to serve you with their limited autumn and winter specials, which are Lasagna, Shepherd's pie and several kinds of cakes.
Please come to E³ and join in on all the fun,
From the E³ staff
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