みなさん、Welcome back to school!! 夏休みはいかがでしたか??
憧れの職業についている方々から直接お話しが聞けたり質問できる機会です。 イベント前に随時ブログで詳細をアップしますのでぜひチェックしてお見逃しなく!!
We hope you all had a fun summer vacation!
E-cube will have many fun activities and events this and next month (September and October), such as our very popular Halloween season activities.
First, our activity theme until October 17th will be Jobs and Careers. The activities during this period will teach you about: different jobs, how to write a resume and do interviews in English, and other topics to assist Kinki University students trying to find a job.
Also, we will have guest speakers introducing various fields of work.
This is a great opportunity for you all to speak and ask questions directly to professionals doing your dream job. Please do not forget to check this blog again for all the details before the events.
Halloween will be our theme from October 18th to the 27th. On Friday, October 21st, we will hold our annual Halloween Costume Contest. We encourage everyone to be creative when making or buying their costumes. There will be prizes for the best ones!
Halloween may not be very popular in Japan, but we all love it here at E-cube!
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