Hello all,
Its been a while but we are back.
Just want to let you know about our exciting activities for June. Our theme this month is science and astronomy.
On Friday we had Professor Eto come along to E cube and give us a demonstration of his amazing high speed camera. He explained all about it to us and then we even got to see some amazing demonstrations! Seeing a water balloon bounce or burst in very very slow motion was really interesting. Lots of students came along to enjoy the activity so it was a great Friday.
Thank you very much to Professor Eto and his team for taking up their time to come and do the activity for us!!
We have another Professor coming along tomorrow to do another activity for us. It will be Professor. Ida and he is going to talk about his product, Bio Coke. It is wonderful stuff and helping to save the planet! If you don't know what Bio Coke is you can check it out here - http://www.kindai.ac.jp/bio-coke/en01.pdf
Everyone please come along tomorrow and you can learn first hand from Professor Ida all about the wonders of Bio Coke.
Hope to see you in E cube soon.
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