Hello everyone and for new students, welcome to Kinki University!!
I would like to give you a little introduction about E-cube.
We are open to Kinki University students, teachers and staff from 10am to 6pm weekdays. You can try delicious American style food from the café, you can read latest fashion magazines and comics, you can practice guitar or even be a DJ on the turn table. If you are feeling sporty why not try a little basketball. Also, we have just bought a new Nintendo Wii so come along and challenge the staff to a game!!
We have various activities including cooking, sports, art and cultural activities everyday during 3rd (1:20~2:00), 4th(3:00~3:40) and 5th periods(4:40~5:20).
We often hold exciting events too. Usually, they are held about once a month and we have even had some famous celebrities visit E-cube!! Come and take a look at our pictures to see who has been here.
So, you can relax, meet new people and make friends and have lots of fun but ALL IN ENGLISH!!
We are looking forward to seeing you all.
We would also like to remind all teachers and staff of Kinki University that you are welcome here to E-cube. Please don’t be shy and don’t hesitate to come and enjoy E-cube with your colleagues.
今日は皆さんに少しだけ「英語村 イーキューブ」について紹介したいと思います。
英語村では毎日3限目(1:20~2:00)4限目(3:00~3:40)5限目(4:40~5:20)に“アクティビティー”も開催しています。 料理、スポーツ、アートや世界の文化など興味のあるアクティビティーにぜひ参加してみてください。
アクティビティーやイベントには参加しなくても、授業の合間にリラックスするのももちろん大歓迎!! 皆さんのお越しをお待ちしています。