Hello everyone.
Happy New Year!!!! I hope that everyone had a great winter vacation!!!!
E3 is going to be open to public from 15th Feb to 31st Mar (10:00am to 4:00pm), excluding March 8th and 9th.
We are going to have a variety of activities every day from 1:00pm.
Each day of the week has a theme:
Monday is Countries
Tuesday is Food
Wednesday is Health & Beauty
Thursday is Art & Craft
Friday is Sports Rules
If you are interested, you can check out our Activity schedule here!!
Anyone 16 years old or over is welcome to come and have fun with us.
We are looking forward to seeing you all.
英語村は、2月15日(月)から3月31日(水)までの月曜日から金曜日(3月8日・9日は除く)、午前10:00~午後4:00の間、一般公開を行います。 毎日午後1時からアクティビティー(ミニ教室)を行います。 月曜日は世界の国々、火曜日はクッキング、水曜日はヘルス&ビューティー、木曜日はアート&クラフト、金曜日はスポーツのルールがテーマです。 16歳以上ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。